Friday, November 26, 2010

I wasn't thinking, I just thought I was thinking...

I learn a new language like babies learn to talk. I went to a school in which English teachers were coming and going, and the English class was a “dead time”, cause there was nobody there to teach us something, so I never had a proper English training. that’s why all I have learn come from an early exposition to cable TV, that’s why I say that I have learn English like babies learn to talk by listening to others, I have also read books in English, and by those standars I would have to say that I’m in a “six years old girl” level of English, that’s how I mesure my progress. That’s why I really scary by the idea of having to come to this English course, cause even though I reach the four level in the English test I’m pretty sure that if the method were other I wouldn’t even have reached the first level.
 Now that I’m finishing the course, and I think I have done pretty well, I have to wonder why, was this luck? No, It can’t be that, I have never been a lucky person, with me is always the same, if something might go wrong it’ll turn out to be horrible, so no, it’s not luck. Is it that I’m  really smart? Mmm don’t think so, cause if that were the case I would do good in all my subjects, and I’m very much aware that I have to burn my eyes studying  and I have other classmates that read the texts one time, party all weekend and get the same results as I do in all the works. So, is neither luck nor intelligence. What is it then? I’m about to say that is balls, but that would be too rude for an essay, I’ll say guts, yes I think I have guts. I must be like that cause the way I’ve learn to speak English is the most unconventional way, and that is something that I do, or try to do with all the language.
 I listen to someone speaking in another language and something is activated in my brain and, like a cryptologist, I begin to decifrate the code, by context or things like that, and I’m sure that everybody is able to do the same thing, but no one dare, most people say “Oh you speak another language, I don’t understand it, I’m too lazy to do something about it… We are in a spanish speaking country, for god sake!! Speak to me in christian or at least bring a translator!!” and this is the same kind of people that think that the only way of learning a language is by taking a course. And this is the same kind of people that spend greats loath of money in English course and by end of it they know the very least of it. Why? Well because an English course gives you the tools to learn English, I mean, they teach you the structure of the sentence the syntaxis and gramatic, the kind of things you learn in the “castellano” subject on the school, and I think you would agree with me that if on one side that teach you to speak and write well in a “cult and formal” register  it does not teach you to speak it if you don’t know nothing about it, I mean we can’t put a baby in a school “castellano” class for him to learn to speak. So, what I’m trying to say is that the process of learning a language is very much a self taught task, you can not expect that someone force you to start thinking in English.
As I say I learn English by myself at home, with the TV on and with the help of some short story books of the greatest English writers, like Oscar Wilde and Mark Twain. By I haven’t learned the structure of English, everything I have to figure out things by context. I never learn by memory all the irregular verbs, if someone asked me for them I would be blank, by if have to use it in a sentence I would know easily how, on the other hand I know many people that know all the irregular verbs by memory but don’t know how to use them.
Maybe I should had taken the English courses from the level one, to know the mechanic of the English language, but all I need is to speak and write English I won’t ever teach someone English so I don’t need that, though it would be interesting.

Friday, November 12, 2010

Open letter to the everyday day guy and to the everyday gal

I’m being a rebel today (a tiny one). I’m not going to do what I have to do cause what I must do is to write about a Chilean person whom I consider to be the greatest one. And to be honest there is no one I can call like that, and I don’t need to have someone with that title. I don’t really understand this obsession with the image of a hero. Why do we need to have them? I think that is because to know that someone is willing to do what we do not dare to do make us, somehow, to feel a little more secure and awake in us a feel of admiration.
Therefore, as the title of today’s post suggest, this is an open letter to those Chileans who do the right thing and love what they do, and I’m not gonna call them heroes because they are just living their life, luckily the way they wanted to.
So, who are they? Well they are just the everyday person that you may see them on the street or in the bus, you might even share with them everyday and you don’t know it. What do they do? Well they stand up for themselves and for what they believe, and they are just good and caring.  If I ever meet someone like that I would like to ask them how do they manage to be strong enough to wake up everyday believing on themselves, especially in a country that is culturally know for having a traditional way of letting people down?  
Jesus! I just got too corny to even bear it, didn’t I? But I do believe what I just said (that’s the worst part). I’m sorry for not choosing an individual character, but  it wasn’t just because it was hard, is because there is really no one I consider to be the beholder of that kind of title, not a Chilean person at least. And is not a snob thing, because I’m not the kind of person who believes that there are countries that are better than others, I just think that a great person is a great person everywhere and that has nothing to do with the place where that person was born. I think that is all in the life experience they had.
So that’s it, good bye.

Friday, November 5, 2010

Burning light

Today I would like to talk about a film called “I hire a contract killer” of the Finland director Aki Kaurismäki. This film is set in England and tells the story of a French man that after spending fifteen years working as an accountant he get sack because the company needs to save money and, as he is French, the company decide to dismiss him. Because he had spend his youth working in a that horrible place, and he didn’t had anything else in life, he decide to commit suicide, but he fail at every attempt he made, or he get cold feet and resign from it at the last minute. So, because of that he decided to hire a contract killer.  And because of that, he doesn’t have the tinniest idea of who the hell is the killer or when he will be murder.
The film is from 1989 and is a little low budget so is not very good, is not that I think that a film needs to have a lot of money invested for to be good, is just that this film is a bit lost. but it has a plus (actually two great things) one the protagonist is the French actor Jean Pierre Leaud, and I like him a lot, he was the protagonist of the five films about Antoine Doinel of Truffaut. And two in one scene of the film the protagonist is running away from the guy he think it might be the killer and hide inside a bar and in the bar there is a singer on stage and that singer is no one else but JOE STRUMMER himself. If the film had turned out to be bad I would have mind just because of that scene, I love when things like that happen in a film.
The film in general is pretty weird, I don’t know what genre is it, but I quite like it. The actors play their parts weirdly, a bit like over acting or under-acting… I don’t know, but is weird. I think that is because is definitely a comedy but everyone acts as if it were the most tragic drama of the world, everyone is really serious, even the film is filmed in a dramatic way. At times I think the film get a little boring, but maybe is because when I watched I expected a lot more action, because of the exiting plot, but nothing like that happen in the film. And after all I think that the film is like life itself, everyone lives the most exiting drama on their own heads, but everything is a lot more simple that that, even if you hire a contract killer.
However,  this isn’t a great film but I couldn’t think in any other film to write about right now, maybe is because I was listening to The Clash this morning, I don’t know.
PS. Now that I’m finishing I come to realize that this post is really lame. But what the hell my job is done! is not like if my other post were good.

Friday, October 29, 2010

I was looking for a job and then a find a job… And heaven knows I’m miserable now.

We all must work in order to survive, that’s a fact and we all agree with it. For many people the thing is simple: Job= money= goods. Is a no mistaken equation, right? We seek in this goods the satisfaction and the return of our invest time- the time we spend working is compensated by this brand new I-pod (that I don’t really need) -that’s what we said. Well, of course that we also work because we need to pay for things we do need (like a house, food and later on our own coffin). But not everything must come down to that. The time we spend working is our life and if we waist our time doing something we hate, but day dreaming about getting that I-pod, we are going to be miserable. If we hate our job we do it wrong and we make it hard for the people that work with us and that may like the job. So I think that we all should look for jobs that we like (at least a little bit).
I know that not everybody can afford to have a vocational job, that sometimes we like a job but the pay is not enough, etc. But I think that every job is an opportunity of learning something about ourself. For example, when I was a little girl I use to think that working in a library was a great job, ‘till I do it, so I learn that librarian was a bad job for me.
However, the job subject is very much related to the character subject, I mean everything depends on what kind of person we are. I once read a study of the anthropologist Helen Fisher and she describe 4 types of personalities: explorer, builders, directors and negotiator. Each one were related to the level of some kind of hormone in our brain (I don’t remember the names in English)*. But, for example explorer were the kind of people that were always looking for challenges and new sensations, they were open mind people, but on the down side they were risk taker and with an inclination to have drug addictions, this kind of people should get jobs as parachute instructors, or something like that; the builders on the other hand were serious, correct and traditional people, and very much reliable, a job as a judge in the supreme court would be fine for them; then the directors are the brainy ones, the ones that spend too much time examining things and that likes to make the decisions, then, as a fault, they may be stubborn; and last but not least the negotiator, which are the kind of sensitive people that are always seeking for answers, they are very empathic with other people and have a hard time making decisions. We all have a little bit of all of these four personalities but one or two domains above the others, and this should be a way of knowing what type of job we should seek.
For me, for my personality, as I say it in an early post, should be a job that makes me travel and that occupied all my life, I would say that I would like to be a writer, but I don’t know if I have what it takes to do such thing, anyway I will try (but secretly). I think that I would like to be a weekly columnist in some newspaper, spend my time traveling and writing about interesting things, that would be ideal, because is not a job that requires to work with a lot of people, which would be hard for me -but most of all for my co-workers- because I like to take my own decisions, I’m very independent. So, I would like to be an anthropologist/writer/globetrotter.
Well that’s it for this week.

* Now I do: Explorer have more dopamine on their brains, builders have more serotonin, deirectors have more testosterone and negotiators have more estrogen.

Friday, October 22, 2010

Frank McCourt

Hi, today I must write about one historical character that I would like to meet, and as always is hard to choose just one. But, what I’m gonna do is to write about a person that maybe it didn’t do so much for the historic development of the world and is not well known, but I think that the history is not build around big events and historic characters but for process that were move for the simple people.
In the first place I must say that I love writers I admired them very much, especially literature writers. I really like the interaction between an author and the reader. When you read a book you are not only knowing a story you are also knowing the writer and most of the time yourself, I mean you are what you read, right?, especially when you are a child, I think that then those books you read became part of you. That’s why the person I would like to meet is a writer.
I haven’t decided yet, but I think that my favorite book is “Angela’s ashes” written by Frank McCourt , this is an autobiography and in this book the author tell us the story of his hard childhood in the Irish city of Limerick. I don’t know if is the best book ever written, I’m not the one to judge that, but what I know is that it is a wonderful book. The author tell us about his childhood narrating from his past child voice, and he put you in a hard world from the child innocent perspective and what you find there is shocking, hilarious and many times to rough to even bear it.  
I would like to meet this author because 1) His books are great and I am so happy everytime I read one of his books, beside I think that he is like me, he likes words, in one part of Angela’s Ashes he said that he loves Shakespeare's work because is like having jewelry in your mouth, and I feel the same, I really enjoy language (as strange as this might sound). But the second reason of my inclination toward this person is because he was a resilient person, I mean he had a difficult childhood but the way he speak of it and the memories that he kept are the memories of a person that loves life and believe in goodness. In many parts of Angela's Ashes he speak of the little moments of joy that he had as a child and speak of those moments with great passion, like if his whole life where reduced to those single moments, and I feel ashamed of myself because I’m always forgetting the good stuff but I’m always remembering the bad moments.
I would like to continue speaking of this author because I find him fascinating, but I can’t. all I want to say is that I would like to have met him, but he died last year. I don’t know what question would had made, but spend sometime with him listening to some of his stories would had being great.

Monday, October 11, 2010


      I find extremely hard to talk about my current favorite song because there isn’t just one. Plus, to talk about how my favorite song make me feel and why it is special to me doesn’t make it any easier. But I’ll try anyway.
     Well, even though I like to look for new songs, I’m constantly turning back to old classics, I mean there is no one like Morrissey (for example) to express how I feel. 
       And my favorite song, right now, is “she’s so high” from the British band “blur”. It’s been so many years since I hear it for the first time that I don’t remember when was it. But the song didn’t use to be one of my favorite. Its distorted sound and the repetitive lyrics (that when I was a little girl didn’t understand) made it a good song, but not great. But I’m a music lover and my theory about music is that what I DON'T like is 1) what  I don’t know; 2) what I don’t understand and 3) reggaeton.
     A while ago I listened this song again and I pay it real attention to the lyrics, and to my surprise I found myself loving it and, at the same time, I felt a bit uncomfortable about the lyrics, like if they were rubbing those lyrics in my face, like if Damon Albarn (the vocalist) were making fun of me, by guessing what's was going through my mind. i'm sure they just got wrong the pronoun. Now I understand that its distorted sound, the repetitive lyrics, etc. are part of the meaning of the song, it’s what completes the whole idea, and the obsessive tempo goes really well with the lyrics.
     Some people find Blur a bit shallow, but I think that it's because they haven’t pay real attention to their songs; I mean they can be sarcastic and sometimes brutally direct (like in this song). It’s a really good band; Damon Albarn is a great musician and Graham Coxon (the lead guitarist) one of the most gifted guitarist. Even if someone doesn’t like blur they got to admit that their music was innovator and impeccable.
    They are not my favorite band, though. But once in a while I listen some of their song in the radio and then I spend the rest of the day with that song stuck in my head.

Friday, October 1, 2010

London Calling!

Hi! Today’s topics it’s a great one, I’ll be talking about which country I want to visit.
I must say that travelling it’s the only way I can see myself in the future. I would like to travel to so many places that I would probably need to live twice to do that (and a lot of money as well). As every young person I don’t want to end up with an office job, but (and this is the weird part) I want to have a job that requires my entire dedication, I mean for example I don’t want to work eight hours a day and then go home and have my personal life set apart from my work, NO I want a work on which I can dedicate my life (the whole of it). Cause I really believe that I’m the sort of person that can spend a year studying the architecture of a cathedral, as long as I can be in a place like Rumania, and then move to Madagascar (for example).
But before, I want to go to England, the United Kingdom in general or even Ireland. I know this may sound a little snobbish but I’ve  spend so many years listening bands from places like Manchester and reading books and novels from British authors that I really wanna go there, specially for the comedy, I love to watch British’s sitcoms. I think comedy it’s best way of knowing people, I mean if you know the type of sense humor that someone has then you’ll know pretty much everything about his/her personality; and judging by their sense of humor, I think that British people must be really nice (I know how subjective that is but anyway…) . I think that it is a great country. I like Latin-American culture as well, but anyway I want to go to England, mainly because it’s one of the fewest countries that have real job opportunities for people with an art history degree. I would like to go there and take a graduate degree in archeology, or something related to social and cultural studies, and work (of course this is day dreaming only), live there for a couple of year and then see what’s next.
Another place that I would like to visit is Israel, because I want to study Jewish culture, actually next year I want to take a diploma course in religious studies with focus on Jewish religion. I’ve always been interesting in that culture, etnia and religion (because Judaism is those three things at once). I don’t know what to expect from that country because last semester I took a course in Judaism (a CFG, which it’s not much) and what I’ve learn from that it’s that it so wide the expectrum of Judaism that it’s very difficult to understand it fully.
Well that’s it, If I’m lucky and smart (If I’m lucky enough to be smart, actually) I’ll move to London , because for what I know (and have read)it’s the city with the largest mixture of cultures in the world, that sounds to me like it’s the capital of the world.

Friday, September 24, 2010


     Well, I don’t know much about the Mapuche’s situation, it’s a shame I know, because we all should care about it. It’s not the lack of caring what kept me away from the problem, it’s just that if I want to know what is happening I would have to look at newspapers (or the media in general) and it’s an unavoidable fact that every information source it’s a little bit influence by some of the sides.
     By nature, moral and humanity I’ll be inclined to the Mapuche’s side, partially because I'm against the goverment and everything they stand for, but anyway I want to know the pure facts and the media hide this information or sweet it up for us in order to make us believe that this is not as important (or more) than the miners situation. So there it is! My excuse for my lack of knowledge.
     I do believe it’s unfair what is happening, but it’s more unfair that from the beginning of this all situation the news (and the government) were hiding it and now, that it’s too much for denial the problem, it’s being shown and use like a nationalistic metaphor in order to make people believe that is utterly fair what is happening to the Mapuches (At least that is what I have seen). I mean, to hear what the president said at the ONU conference the other day was a crying shame, when he implied that the Mapuches were unconscious people, because mean while there was an entire country devoted to save the life of thirty two, there were others that were attempting against their own life (and all the rest of the shitty things he said). Beside I’ve hear some people saying things like “the Mapuches don’t even consider themselves as Chilean, why should we be worrying about them?” and all those ignorant, prejudice and extremely dull arguments to justify the unjustifiable. I think that all those things are unfair, cause it takes away the credibility and the importance that we should be giving to the matter. A hunger strike it's the most extrem way of show us  that it is important to discus some themes because are people willing to go all the way through in order to make others understand their problems.
     The whole problem with the Mapuches it’s because the lack of identity that we have always had. We cheat ourselves with all the (what can be perfectly call) plastic traditions and the bicentenary illusion to make ourselves believe that we are part of something call Chile, but the true is that we do not belong to anywhere, many people say that they love Chile and their beautiful landscape, etc. but they don’t hold respect for the environment (for example), and so on with all the rest of the things that are in this country. All those things got me thinking that maybe we don’t really have a culture, it’s sad and maybe extreme but it’s true, in one hand we denial our origins and on the other we pretend to have other orings that are extremely mystified by the old continent. That it's such phony identity that it is very clear to me that holidays like September the eighteen are not a national independence holiday (cause either way it’s not even the real independence day) and instead is, as I call it above, “the September 18th holiday” a day for eat and drink the equivalent to our own body weight. Beside is so obvious how uncomfortable some people look when they try to do something “traditional”, it looks so out of place!
     So, sure! we don’t fully understand why it's so important for the Mapuches to continued having the way of living that they have had for hundred of years, and that it's partially because we are so far from their reality. we spend too much time trying to brake the link that we must, at some point, had with our origins, that understand a whole different form of view the world it’s difficult. I think that the only thing we can do it’s to open our mind and get out of ourselves at least a little bit, and especially, get out of our phony, hedonist and capitalist thought, especially when it is a fact of life or dead.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Nowhere man... (actually woman)

     While I was writing the last three posts I thought that it would be a lot easier if I could just choose the theme of them¸ but now that I must choose it, paradoxically, I can't choose anything. That’s because it could be anything, and doesn’t really matter what I write about as long as I do it.
     Two hundred and fifty words of anything, that’s what I been told to do. I find that a bit anguishing because I must choose something, but there is no subject in particular that makes me get inclined to it. So, how can I choose when there is nothing to choose?.. or everything to choose?.. See what I mean?
     At first I though that whatever I write about it must be something cool, that makes people read it and maybe convince someone that I’m cool (thought I'm not), but that’s not easy to do, cause even if a choose some cool theme, nothing can assure that it would be cool executed, cause probably it won’t be well written. Actually the fact that my native language it’s Spanish, and that my brain works the syntax in that way, can assure that whatever I write about would end up being structurally lame, even though the theme is cool.
     Anyway, at first I though about music as a theme, I though that a post about some, not well known, but anyway great musician it would be something great to write about. So I thought about Nick Drake (cause I just love him) and the British folk scene of the 60’s. But then figured that for that purpose it would be necessary to start talking about the USA folk scene, which is something that it would take a lot more time (and a lot more words). I mean of course I could just let all that out of my post, and concentrate in describing how unbelievable lonesome you get to feel when you listen to songs like “place to be”, but I know myself and I can not get to just one point, I’m very disperse. That’s why; even though it seems a simple task, I can’t just choose one subject.
     The thing is that I’m afraid that my post will turn out to be crappy and everybody who read this would think that it’s crappy. So even though I think that literature would be a great theme for me to choose, I won’t choose it, cause as much as love books (especially the way they smell… and I’m not creepy!) I don’t know if I had what it takes to make a “worthy to read” critic.
     I guess there are a lot of things that I would like to talk about, like my geeky love for dinosaurs and my geeky guilty pleasure for watching the vlogbrothers on youtube (if you don’t know who the hell are they I would highly recommended, unless you are some kind of bully kid who doesn’t appreciate nerd culture). But the problem of the lack of topic in this post (I’m really sorry for that) it’s doom to my lack of concentration… not just now but always.
     About this last point, I have to say that in many ways I’m some kind of envious of past generations, cause they had this type writing machines that were created for the only purpose of writing, which kept them away from any distraction. Nowadays we can’t fully focus on writing without stopping every five minutes to check something on google or any other web site. This is something I’m constantly fighting with when I have to write an essay. Cause starts with me, sitting in my desk chair, with the propos of remain there till’ the most clever observation, from Peter Bürger’s book (or any other theorist), come out of my brain, but nothing happen, so I became all frustrated and start questioned my intelligence or my talent (or the lack of it) and everything turns out to be just a random ramblings about nothing… just like this post.
     The reason I’m writing this it’s because I thought that maybe I’m not the only person who feels like this, and also because I once read that John Lennon wrote the song Nowhere man one day that he was feeling that he was out of inspiration (though, the fact he wrote it shows that he was, in fact, inspired). So, as that song turn out to be one the greatest songs ever written by The Beatles, I though that this post could also be great (but I know it won’t).

so, good night unto you all!

Friday, August 27, 2010

I read the news today... oh boy

     Determinate which event has been the most important during this year, it’s really hard task to undertake. I mean even if someone would ask my opinion about it I wouldn't know what to say... and I don't even fell like talking or even thinking about it. But, since I must I would like to talk about the media in general and take hindsight of the news that the media sells.
     I don't watch the nine o'clock news, like most people, I think that are too distressing, I don't understand how people can go to bed and have a good night sleep after something like that, I don’t even see the point in watching them, I mean, we can't do anything about the people that were rob (or something like that), only feel sorry for them. But however, not for that fact I'm an uninformed person, I get my "sight of the world" through internet. I really do believe that nowadays this is the best way of doing it. The television lacks from all the ethics that takes to inform the society. It really does a horrible job. As I said above, they sell news, they are very careful with what they show to us, as if it where a product, they edit every aspect of the news and create, alters and hide what it's not good enough for "The show".
     So, even though everyone can made up a rumor, or something like that, on the internet, I think that if I need to get some information I rather to make the effort of using my discretion or my criteria to discriminate what worth to read or not, than to buy any product that the "official" media wants to sell me. Sometimes, if something like the educational politics it’s going wrong, I rather look up in Google the fundaments of those politics and make my own analysis of it (well, not quite so, but pretty much like that).
     Another media that I tend to look for in times of "informative re-location" it's the radio; I have the theory that, as it is a lower media since the invention of the TV and the internet, it's a less regulated media. Beside the fact that, because we can not see the faces of the people speaking on the radio, they feel a lot more freedom when they have to give an opinion, I've heard a lot of TV journalist that on radio are more honest and said things as they are, when such thing doesn't happen on TV.
     Well, turning back to the main theme. I don't know if the most important news so far has been the earthquake, the Chilean participation on the world cup, the thermoelectric or even the miner’s disaster (I don't really care either). But what I do know is that the most horrible and torrid event, so far, has been the new government, and I didn't need the media to know that. Why? well, because I think that the fact that right now the people are getting it all wrong in terms of information it's because our "beloved president" it's controlling the information, if not, how come the media is not covering the Mapuche's hunger strike? that kind of strike only works when the citizen make pression on the goverment to stop it by answering to the request of the people in the strike, and for that to happen people must be informed.
     As a final opinion, I think that the media covers accurately the news that they considered important, but that are not necessarily the "most important", and do it when they want. Because actually, the first time I heard of the miners situation was through twitter and not from the media. They didn't do it until the thing was too big to hide it.
     I know the media it's powerful and run a lot of money, but I think that our criteria it's a lot more powerful and we must use it.

So, if someone reads this... Don't believe the adds, don't believe the medias.... and don't even believe me (Well maybe a little, use your criteria).

Friday, August 20, 2010

Sad truth about events and I...

   Hi, Today I’ve been request to write about a concert, an exhibition or a sport event.
   Well, truth be told. I haven’t actually attended any concert, exhibition or even an sport event , I mean of course I have been in lots of museums and I have listened musicians playing in live, but I’ve never went to a proper concert or the exhibition of some exited and postmodernist artist in an art gallery.
   The thing is, big crowds make me sick, so loud music in a stadium full of people is not my way of enjoying music, plus I never have enough money for it and someone to go with (It’s pretty lame I know it, insert Beck’s “Loser” song if you like) . However, I hear that next year Sir Paul McCartney is going to do a concert in Chile, so I was thinking in putting my soul on sale in order to get the money XD.
   About sport events I must say I hate sport, at least the kind of sports events that are popular in this country, like football. Although I wouldn’t mind attending other sort of sports events, like a marathon, or ever practicing myself… now I remember that about three years ago I went to see my older brother run the k10 marathon, but it was an amateur event. I don’t really remember where it was and when, but I do know it was really fun and the reason I went was because…well, my brother was in it.
   In the art exhibition matter, as I said it before, I’ve never attended a proper one, but once I worked in the opening of a design house, serving wine to people. It wasn’t the cool bohemian place that I was expecting, it seemed to me that the people were more into wine than anything else. Anyway, this took place in July of this year, don’t remember exactly when, but the design house is in a well know street of Santiago (Esmeralda it's the name). The reason I went to it was because I needed the money, beside I wanted to get some experience of working in a cultural event.

Well that all, Good bye to whoever read this.

Friday, August 13, 2010

Another Brick in the wall...

     Hello everyone, to inaugurate this blog I would like to start talking about an issue that has been discused many times, but that is never over, because it doesn't leads to any conclusion, wich is the educational system in Chile.
     I think a lot about the educational system since I start a career that has been named as one of the least productive in terms of “money making”, I mean there are not a lot of job opportunities in my field, because we don’t really "do" anything, in the eyes of todays "offer and demands" social system. In spite of that, what I love about this career is that create a critical thinking mind.
     What todays educational system  tryes to create is people to learn the "how to do", instead of making people think more about why is important to do and study determinate subject. Nowadays the education works in order to make profits, quantity instead of quality. What it worries me the most is the frustation that this can generate in the society, because while some people think that study Theory of art may be frustating, cause it doesn’t bring a lot of money, I think that this “well paid” career, that people tend to look for, may cause a frustation about life, if they don't think and choose for other reason than money.
     I guess that what I’m trying to say, in this very unarticulated way (sorry about that), is that the problem may radicate in that  we tend to give more value to the wealth that we may get from the career we study over the knowledge.  
     Since I don’t know a lot about educational politics  I’m not going to start rambling about what I think that the government should do in order to make things better (specially since I don’t hold high hope for the current one). All I want to say is that, for those who are already in the university, a simple and quick way of improve ours education, and make better professional of us, is to think about the knowledge we want to get, in a critical way, and why determinate field of expertise would bring fulfilment into our lifes.