Friday, August 13, 2010

Another Brick in the wall...

     Hello everyone, to inaugurate this blog I would like to start talking about an issue that has been discused many times, but that is never over, because it doesn't leads to any conclusion, wich is the educational system in Chile.
     I think a lot about the educational system since I start a career that has been named as one of the least productive in terms of “money making”, I mean there are not a lot of job opportunities in my field, because we don’t really "do" anything, in the eyes of todays "offer and demands" social system. In spite of that, what I love about this career is that create a critical thinking mind.
     What todays educational system  tryes to create is people to learn the "how to do", instead of making people think more about why is important to do and study determinate subject. Nowadays the education works in order to make profits, quantity instead of quality. What it worries me the most is the frustation that this can generate in the society, because while some people think that study Theory of art may be frustating, cause it doesn’t bring a lot of money, I think that this “well paid” career, that people tend to look for, may cause a frustation about life, if they don't think and choose for other reason than money.
     I guess that what I’m trying to say, in this very unarticulated way (sorry about that), is that the problem may radicate in that  we tend to give more value to the wealth that we may get from the career we study over the knowledge.  
     Since I don’t know a lot about educational politics  I’m not going to start rambling about what I think that the government should do in order to make things better (specially since I don’t hold high hope for the current one). All I want to say is that, for those who are already in the university, a simple and quick way of improve ours education, and make better professional of us, is to think about the knowledge we want to get, in a critical way, and why determinate field of expertise would bring fulfilment into our lifes.


  1. The current economy gives privliges to the people who decide to bury their vocation considering the profit and enter to the capitalist game without claim anything, and the educational system contribute to make people who doesn't question this situation.

    Change education pass through so many subjects and problems that nobody wants to discuss it because of the implications.

  2. Nardi!
    I think you wrote great, even in your first time. Education always will be a topic to discuss,it always been, now is our time to speak. I'm very interested in knowing more about the education proyects of the actual government, to think about how involved we are and fight for it.

  3. The education in our country is recurrent topic for us. I want that someday this change and the education is of quality and free for everyone.


  4. Hi Nardy!
    As always, you've exceled yourself and your critical thought, which is very enviable. As Diego said, education in Chile is doomed to make production and doesn't encourage critical thought in favor of maintain discipline in society. Our career probably wouldn't give us great money in the future, but we'll be critical and we won't let the information past through when it'll be important.
    Hope I was clear and understandable.
    Bye :)!
