Friday, October 22, 2010

Frank McCourt

Hi, today I must write about one historical character that I would like to meet, and as always is hard to choose just one. But, what I’m gonna do is to write about a person that maybe it didn’t do so much for the historic development of the world and is not well known, but I think that the history is not build around big events and historic characters but for process that were move for the simple people.
In the first place I must say that I love writers I admired them very much, especially literature writers. I really like the interaction between an author and the reader. When you read a book you are not only knowing a story you are also knowing the writer and most of the time yourself, I mean you are what you read, right?, especially when you are a child, I think that then those books you read became part of you. That’s why the person I would like to meet is a writer.
I haven’t decided yet, but I think that my favorite book is “Angela’s ashes” written by Frank McCourt , this is an autobiography and in this book the author tell us the story of his hard childhood in the Irish city of Limerick. I don’t know if is the best book ever written, I’m not the one to judge that, but what I know is that it is a wonderful book. The author tell us about his childhood narrating from his past child voice, and he put you in a hard world from the child innocent perspective and what you find there is shocking, hilarious and many times to rough to even bear it.  
I would like to meet this author because 1) His books are great and I am so happy everytime I read one of his books, beside I think that he is like me, he likes words, in one part of Angela’s Ashes he said that he loves Shakespeare's work because is like having jewelry in your mouth, and I feel the same, I really enjoy language (as strange as this might sound). But the second reason of my inclination toward this person is because he was a resilient person, I mean he had a difficult childhood but the way he speak of it and the memories that he kept are the memories of a person that loves life and believe in goodness. In many parts of Angela's Ashes he speak of the little moments of joy that he had as a child and speak of those moments with great passion, like if his whole life where reduced to those single moments, and I feel ashamed of myself because I’m always forgetting the good stuff but I’m always remembering the bad moments.
I would like to continue speaking of this author because I find him fascinating, but I can’t. all I want to say is that I would like to have met him, but he died last year. I don’t know what question would had made, but spend sometime with him listening to some of his stories would had being great.


  1. I'm absolutely agree with your statement berny!
    The world is move by the simple people! <3

    Take care!!!

  2. I didn't read Frank McCourt, but you post is very descriptive about him, maybe choose some book :)
    I agree with you respect you perspective of the relationship between the writer and the reader, is very special.


  3. I love this book. I also enjoyed 'Tis. Have you read that? I hear he died a few years back. Sad, hey? Nice post Bernardita.
