Friday, November 12, 2010

Open letter to the everyday day guy and to the everyday gal

I’m being a rebel today (a tiny one). I’m not going to do what I have to do cause what I must do is to write about a Chilean person whom I consider to be the greatest one. And to be honest there is no one I can call like that, and I don’t need to have someone with that title. I don’t really understand this obsession with the image of a hero. Why do we need to have them? I think that is because to know that someone is willing to do what we do not dare to do make us, somehow, to feel a little more secure and awake in us a feel of admiration.
Therefore, as the title of today’s post suggest, this is an open letter to those Chileans who do the right thing and love what they do, and I’m not gonna call them heroes because they are just living their life, luckily the way they wanted to.
So, who are they? Well they are just the everyday person that you may see them on the street or in the bus, you might even share with them everyday and you don’t know it. What do they do? Well they stand up for themselves and for what they believe, and they are just good and caring.  If I ever meet someone like that I would like to ask them how do they manage to be strong enough to wake up everyday believing on themselves, especially in a country that is culturally know for having a traditional way of letting people down?  
Jesus! I just got too corny to even bear it, didn’t I? But I do believe what I just said (that’s the worst part). I’m sorry for not choosing an individual character, but  it wasn’t just because it was hard, is because there is really no one I consider to be the beholder of that kind of title, not a Chilean person at least. And is not a snob thing, because I’m not the kind of person who believes that there are countries that are better than others, I just think that a great person is a great person everywhere and that has nothing to do with the place where that person was born. I think that is all in the life experience they had.
So that’s it, good bye.


  1. I think like you about the to idealize some people, maybe many people never reach to be recognized, but maybe they has been people more important in little things, but they don't are recognized.

  2. Bernardita, you are brave. I support your non-decision.

  3. all us are importants... Is a litle group who choose the people to remember.... for example, Kel.

  4. Bernardita, you are an important person to Chile. I agree with Lucy, your non-decision have foundation by itself!


  5. i just died with the comment who said "kel" xD
    and i also agree with mary, you are one of the greatest chilean so far ;)

  6. Berny take care and come back soon i miss you :(
