Friday, October 1, 2010

London Calling!

Hi! Today’s topics it’s a great one, I’ll be talking about which country I want to visit.
I must say that travelling it’s the only way I can see myself in the future. I would like to travel to so many places that I would probably need to live twice to do that (and a lot of money as well). As every young person I don’t want to end up with an office job, but (and this is the weird part) I want to have a job that requires my entire dedication, I mean for example I don’t want to work eight hours a day and then go home and have my personal life set apart from my work, NO I want a work on which I can dedicate my life (the whole of it). Cause I really believe that I’m the sort of person that can spend a year studying the architecture of a cathedral, as long as I can be in a place like Rumania, and then move to Madagascar (for example).
But before, I want to go to England, the United Kingdom in general or even Ireland. I know this may sound a little snobbish but I’ve  spend so many years listening bands from places like Manchester and reading books and novels from British authors that I really wanna go there, specially for the comedy, I love to watch British’s sitcoms. I think comedy it’s best way of knowing people, I mean if you know the type of sense humor that someone has then you’ll know pretty much everything about his/her personality; and judging by their sense of humor, I think that British people must be really nice (I know how subjective that is but anyway…) . I think that it is a great country. I like Latin-American culture as well, but anyway I want to go to England, mainly because it’s one of the fewest countries that have real job opportunities for people with an art history degree. I would like to go there and take a graduate degree in archeology, or something related to social and cultural studies, and work (of course this is day dreaming only), live there for a couple of year and then see what’s next.
Another place that I would like to visit is Israel, because I want to study Jewish culture, actually next year I want to take a diploma course in religious studies with focus on Jewish religion. I’ve always been interesting in that culture, etnia and religion (because Judaism is those three things at once). I don’t know what to expect from that country because last semester I took a course in Judaism (a CFG, which it’s not much) and what I’ve learn from that it’s that it so wide the expectrum of Judaism that it’s very difficult to understand it fully.
Well that’s it, If I’m lucky and smart (If I’m lucky enough to be smart, actually) I’ll move to London , because for what I know (and have read)it’s the city with the largest mixture of cultures in the world, that sounds to me like it’s the capital of the world.


  1. jejejeje I KNEW you would post something with london =)

    is a nice place no doubts

    Take care berny

  2. I hope that you can travel and enjoy and give all the knowledge that In London you can obtain :D


  3. AHHH I would like to go too!!!

    I was in a crossroad when i have to choose, because a love Paris, but i also love London, is very hard... if i become miraculously into a billionaire, i would have a house in Paris and London, and i travel every week xD

  4. Diego you read my post!! thanks! I though that only Camila Bañarez and the teacher do it. So, in consideration to you, and especially the teacher, I’ll make my post shorter, in that way if visit my blog again you won’t get bored, I promise.
