Friday, October 29, 2010

I was looking for a job and then a find a job… And heaven knows I’m miserable now.

We all must work in order to survive, that’s a fact and we all agree with it. For many people the thing is simple: Job= money= goods. Is a no mistaken equation, right? We seek in this goods the satisfaction and the return of our invest time- the time we spend working is compensated by this brand new I-pod (that I don’t really need) -that’s what we said. Well, of course that we also work because we need to pay for things we do need (like a house, food and later on our own coffin). But not everything must come down to that. The time we spend working is our life and if we waist our time doing something we hate, but day dreaming about getting that I-pod, we are going to be miserable. If we hate our job we do it wrong and we make it hard for the people that work with us and that may like the job. So I think that we all should look for jobs that we like (at least a little bit).
I know that not everybody can afford to have a vocational job, that sometimes we like a job but the pay is not enough, etc. But I think that every job is an opportunity of learning something about ourself. For example, when I was a little girl I use to think that working in a library was a great job, ‘till I do it, so I learn that librarian was a bad job for me.
However, the job subject is very much related to the character subject, I mean everything depends on what kind of person we are. I once read a study of the anthropologist Helen Fisher and she describe 4 types of personalities: explorer, builders, directors and negotiator. Each one were related to the level of some kind of hormone in our brain (I don’t remember the names in English)*. But, for example explorer were the kind of people that were always looking for challenges and new sensations, they were open mind people, but on the down side they were risk taker and with an inclination to have drug addictions, this kind of people should get jobs as parachute instructors, or something like that; the builders on the other hand were serious, correct and traditional people, and very much reliable, a job as a judge in the supreme court would be fine for them; then the directors are the brainy ones, the ones that spend too much time examining things and that likes to make the decisions, then, as a fault, they may be stubborn; and last but not least the negotiator, which are the kind of sensitive people that are always seeking for answers, they are very empathic with other people and have a hard time making decisions. We all have a little bit of all of these four personalities but one or two domains above the others, and this should be a way of knowing what type of job we should seek.
For me, for my personality, as I say it in an early post, should be a job that makes me travel and that occupied all my life, I would say that I would like to be a writer, but I don’t know if I have what it takes to do such thing, anyway I will try (but secretly). I think that I would like to be a weekly columnist in some newspaper, spend my time traveling and writing about interesting things, that would be ideal, because is not a job that requires to work with a lot of people, which would be hard for me -but most of all for my co-workers- because I like to take my own decisions, I’m very independent. So, I would like to be an anthropologist/writer/globetrotter.
Well that’s it for this week.

* Now I do: Explorer have more dopamine on their brains, builders have more serotonin, deirectors have more testosterone and negotiators have more estrogen.


  1. Nardy!
    At the first lines you reminded me Ossa's classes lol.. I think YOU DO HAVE WHAT IT TAKES TO BE A GREAT WRITER, so don't worry, future looks nice to you :)
    Maybe our beloved Zoltan would help you in your adventure, I would like to support you in this too :D
    See ya!

  2. Very cool, I really enjoyed your publication.
    So, I have to choose 4 kind personality, that is good, because I'm really confusing... but now, I have 4 option for my life of future.
    thanks "Nardy"
