Friday, September 24, 2010


     Well, I don’t know much about the Mapuche’s situation, it’s a shame I know, because we all should care about it. It’s not the lack of caring what kept me away from the problem, it’s just that if I want to know what is happening I would have to look at newspapers (or the media in general) and it’s an unavoidable fact that every information source it’s a little bit influence by some of the sides.
     By nature, moral and humanity I’ll be inclined to the Mapuche’s side, partially because I'm against the goverment and everything they stand for, but anyway I want to know the pure facts and the media hide this information or sweet it up for us in order to make us believe that this is not as important (or more) than the miners situation. So there it is! My excuse for my lack of knowledge.
     I do believe it’s unfair what is happening, but it’s more unfair that from the beginning of this all situation the news (and the government) were hiding it and now, that it’s too much for denial the problem, it’s being shown and use like a nationalistic metaphor in order to make people believe that is utterly fair what is happening to the Mapuches (At least that is what I have seen). I mean, to hear what the president said at the ONU conference the other day was a crying shame, when he implied that the Mapuches were unconscious people, because mean while there was an entire country devoted to save the life of thirty two, there were others that were attempting against their own life (and all the rest of the shitty things he said). Beside I’ve hear some people saying things like “the Mapuches don’t even consider themselves as Chilean, why should we be worrying about them?” and all those ignorant, prejudice and extremely dull arguments to justify the unjustifiable. I think that all those things are unfair, cause it takes away the credibility and the importance that we should be giving to the matter. A hunger strike it's the most extrem way of show us  that it is important to discus some themes because are people willing to go all the way through in order to make others understand their problems.
     The whole problem with the Mapuches it’s because the lack of identity that we have always had. We cheat ourselves with all the (what can be perfectly call) plastic traditions and the bicentenary illusion to make ourselves believe that we are part of something call Chile, but the true is that we do not belong to anywhere, many people say that they love Chile and their beautiful landscape, etc. but they don’t hold respect for the environment (for example), and so on with all the rest of the things that are in this country. All those things got me thinking that maybe we don’t really have a culture, it’s sad and maybe extreme but it’s true, in one hand we denial our origins and on the other we pretend to have other orings that are extremely mystified by the old continent. That it's such phony identity that it is very clear to me that holidays like September the eighteen are not a national independence holiday (cause either way it’s not even the real independence day) and instead is, as I call it above, “the September 18th holiday” a day for eat and drink the equivalent to our own body weight. Beside is so obvious how uncomfortable some people look when they try to do something “traditional”, it looks so out of place!
     So, sure! we don’t fully understand why it's so important for the Mapuches to continued having the way of living that they have had for hundred of years, and that it's partially because we are so far from their reality. we spend too much time trying to brake the link that we must, at some point, had with our origins, that understand a whole different form of view the world it’s difficult. I think that the only thing we can do it’s to open our mind and get out of ourselves at least a little bit, and especially, get out of our phony, hedonist and capitalist thought, especially when it is a fact of life or dead.


  1. you're right bernardita!
    did you know how many people were in the bicentenary parties? and in typical celebrations? there you see the difference =)

    take care!

  2. You can't be ashamed of not been informated about this stuff. Actually, i'm not "updated" about this either...
    And i'm agree with you, that this is a problem of identity.

  3. I like very much your profile photo :D is the lonely guy? jaaaa
    I don't know about the topic too... But I think with the media we have, all of us are ignoring some stuff....
