Friday, October 29, 2010

I was looking for a job and then a find a job… And heaven knows I’m miserable now.

We all must work in order to survive, that’s a fact and we all agree with it. For many people the thing is simple: Job= money= goods. Is a no mistaken equation, right? We seek in this goods the satisfaction and the return of our invest time- the time we spend working is compensated by this brand new I-pod (that I don’t really need) -that’s what we said. Well, of course that we also work because we need to pay for things we do need (like a house, food and later on our own coffin). But not everything must come down to that. The time we spend working is our life and if we waist our time doing something we hate, but day dreaming about getting that I-pod, we are going to be miserable. If we hate our job we do it wrong and we make it hard for the people that work with us and that may like the job. So I think that we all should look for jobs that we like (at least a little bit).
I know that not everybody can afford to have a vocational job, that sometimes we like a job but the pay is not enough, etc. But I think that every job is an opportunity of learning something about ourself. For example, when I was a little girl I use to think that working in a library was a great job, ‘till I do it, so I learn that librarian was a bad job for me.
However, the job subject is very much related to the character subject, I mean everything depends on what kind of person we are. I once read a study of the anthropologist Helen Fisher and she describe 4 types of personalities: explorer, builders, directors and negotiator. Each one were related to the level of some kind of hormone in our brain (I don’t remember the names in English)*. But, for example explorer were the kind of people that were always looking for challenges and new sensations, they were open mind people, but on the down side they were risk taker and with an inclination to have drug addictions, this kind of people should get jobs as parachute instructors, or something like that; the builders on the other hand were serious, correct and traditional people, and very much reliable, a job as a judge in the supreme court would be fine for them; then the directors are the brainy ones, the ones that spend too much time examining things and that likes to make the decisions, then, as a fault, they may be stubborn; and last but not least the negotiator, which are the kind of sensitive people that are always seeking for answers, they are very empathic with other people and have a hard time making decisions. We all have a little bit of all of these four personalities but one or two domains above the others, and this should be a way of knowing what type of job we should seek.
For me, for my personality, as I say it in an early post, should be a job that makes me travel and that occupied all my life, I would say that I would like to be a writer, but I don’t know if I have what it takes to do such thing, anyway I will try (but secretly). I think that I would like to be a weekly columnist in some newspaper, spend my time traveling and writing about interesting things, that would be ideal, because is not a job that requires to work with a lot of people, which would be hard for me -but most of all for my co-workers- because I like to take my own decisions, I’m very independent. So, I would like to be an anthropologist/writer/globetrotter.
Well that’s it for this week.

* Now I do: Explorer have more dopamine on their brains, builders have more serotonin, deirectors have more testosterone and negotiators have more estrogen.

Friday, October 22, 2010

Frank McCourt

Hi, today I must write about one historical character that I would like to meet, and as always is hard to choose just one. But, what I’m gonna do is to write about a person that maybe it didn’t do so much for the historic development of the world and is not well known, but I think that the history is not build around big events and historic characters but for process that were move for the simple people.
In the first place I must say that I love writers I admired them very much, especially literature writers. I really like the interaction between an author and the reader. When you read a book you are not only knowing a story you are also knowing the writer and most of the time yourself, I mean you are what you read, right?, especially when you are a child, I think that then those books you read became part of you. That’s why the person I would like to meet is a writer.
I haven’t decided yet, but I think that my favorite book is “Angela’s ashes” written by Frank McCourt , this is an autobiography and in this book the author tell us the story of his hard childhood in the Irish city of Limerick. I don’t know if is the best book ever written, I’m not the one to judge that, but what I know is that it is a wonderful book. The author tell us about his childhood narrating from his past child voice, and he put you in a hard world from the child innocent perspective and what you find there is shocking, hilarious and many times to rough to even bear it.  
I would like to meet this author because 1) His books are great and I am so happy everytime I read one of his books, beside I think that he is like me, he likes words, in one part of Angela’s Ashes he said that he loves Shakespeare's work because is like having jewelry in your mouth, and I feel the same, I really enjoy language (as strange as this might sound). But the second reason of my inclination toward this person is because he was a resilient person, I mean he had a difficult childhood but the way he speak of it and the memories that he kept are the memories of a person that loves life and believe in goodness. In many parts of Angela's Ashes he speak of the little moments of joy that he had as a child and speak of those moments with great passion, like if his whole life where reduced to those single moments, and I feel ashamed of myself because I’m always forgetting the good stuff but I’m always remembering the bad moments.
I would like to continue speaking of this author because I find him fascinating, but I can’t. all I want to say is that I would like to have met him, but he died last year. I don’t know what question would had made, but spend sometime with him listening to some of his stories would had being great.

Monday, October 11, 2010


      I find extremely hard to talk about my current favorite song because there isn’t just one. Plus, to talk about how my favorite song make me feel and why it is special to me doesn’t make it any easier. But I’ll try anyway.
     Well, even though I like to look for new songs, I’m constantly turning back to old classics, I mean there is no one like Morrissey (for example) to express how I feel. 
       And my favorite song, right now, is “she’s so high” from the British band “blur”. It’s been so many years since I hear it for the first time that I don’t remember when was it. But the song didn’t use to be one of my favorite. Its distorted sound and the repetitive lyrics (that when I was a little girl didn’t understand) made it a good song, but not great. But I’m a music lover and my theory about music is that what I DON'T like is 1) what  I don’t know; 2) what I don’t understand and 3) reggaeton.
     A while ago I listened this song again and I pay it real attention to the lyrics, and to my surprise I found myself loving it and, at the same time, I felt a bit uncomfortable about the lyrics, like if they were rubbing those lyrics in my face, like if Damon Albarn (the vocalist) were making fun of me, by guessing what's was going through my mind. i'm sure they just got wrong the pronoun. Now I understand that its distorted sound, the repetitive lyrics, etc. are part of the meaning of the song, it’s what completes the whole idea, and the obsessive tempo goes really well with the lyrics.
     Some people find Blur a bit shallow, but I think that it's because they haven’t pay real attention to their songs; I mean they can be sarcastic and sometimes brutally direct (like in this song). It’s a really good band; Damon Albarn is a great musician and Graham Coxon (the lead guitarist) one of the most gifted guitarist. Even if someone doesn’t like blur they got to admit that their music was innovator and impeccable.
    They are not my favorite band, though. But once in a while I listen some of their song in the radio and then I spend the rest of the day with that song stuck in my head.

Friday, October 1, 2010

London Calling!

Hi! Today’s topics it’s a great one, I’ll be talking about which country I want to visit.
I must say that travelling it’s the only way I can see myself in the future. I would like to travel to so many places that I would probably need to live twice to do that (and a lot of money as well). As every young person I don’t want to end up with an office job, but (and this is the weird part) I want to have a job that requires my entire dedication, I mean for example I don’t want to work eight hours a day and then go home and have my personal life set apart from my work, NO I want a work on which I can dedicate my life (the whole of it). Cause I really believe that I’m the sort of person that can spend a year studying the architecture of a cathedral, as long as I can be in a place like Rumania, and then move to Madagascar (for example).
But before, I want to go to England, the United Kingdom in general or even Ireland. I know this may sound a little snobbish but I’ve  spend so many years listening bands from places like Manchester and reading books and novels from British authors that I really wanna go there, specially for the comedy, I love to watch British’s sitcoms. I think comedy it’s best way of knowing people, I mean if you know the type of sense humor that someone has then you’ll know pretty much everything about his/her personality; and judging by their sense of humor, I think that British people must be really nice (I know how subjective that is but anyway…) . I think that it is a great country. I like Latin-American culture as well, but anyway I want to go to England, mainly because it’s one of the fewest countries that have real job opportunities for people with an art history degree. I would like to go there and take a graduate degree in archeology, or something related to social and cultural studies, and work (of course this is day dreaming only), live there for a couple of year and then see what’s next.
Another place that I would like to visit is Israel, because I want to study Jewish culture, actually next year I want to take a diploma course in religious studies with focus on Jewish religion. I’ve always been interesting in that culture, etnia and religion (because Judaism is those three things at once). I don’t know what to expect from that country because last semester I took a course in Judaism (a CFG, which it’s not much) and what I’ve learn from that it’s that it so wide the expectrum of Judaism that it’s very difficult to understand it fully.
Well that’s it, If I’m lucky and smart (If I’m lucky enough to be smart, actually) I’ll move to London , because for what I know (and have read)it’s the city with the largest mixture of cultures in the world, that sounds to me like it’s the capital of the world.