Friday, August 27, 2010

I read the news today... oh boy

     Determinate which event has been the most important during this year, it’s really hard task to undertake. I mean even if someone would ask my opinion about it I wouldn't know what to say... and I don't even fell like talking or even thinking about it. But, since I must I would like to talk about the media in general and take hindsight of the news that the media sells.
     I don't watch the nine o'clock news, like most people, I think that are too distressing, I don't understand how people can go to bed and have a good night sleep after something like that, I don’t even see the point in watching them, I mean, we can't do anything about the people that were rob (or something like that), only feel sorry for them. But however, not for that fact I'm an uninformed person, I get my "sight of the world" through internet. I really do believe that nowadays this is the best way of doing it. The television lacks from all the ethics that takes to inform the society. It really does a horrible job. As I said above, they sell news, they are very careful with what they show to us, as if it where a product, they edit every aspect of the news and create, alters and hide what it's not good enough for "The show".
     So, even though everyone can made up a rumor, or something like that, on the internet, I think that if I need to get some information I rather to make the effort of using my discretion or my criteria to discriminate what worth to read or not, than to buy any product that the "official" media wants to sell me. Sometimes, if something like the educational politics it’s going wrong, I rather look up in Google the fundaments of those politics and make my own analysis of it (well, not quite so, but pretty much like that).
     Another media that I tend to look for in times of "informative re-location" it's the radio; I have the theory that, as it is a lower media since the invention of the TV and the internet, it's a less regulated media. Beside the fact that, because we can not see the faces of the people speaking on the radio, they feel a lot more freedom when they have to give an opinion, I've heard a lot of TV journalist that on radio are more honest and said things as they are, when such thing doesn't happen on TV.
     Well, turning back to the main theme. I don't know if the most important news so far has been the earthquake, the Chilean participation on the world cup, the thermoelectric or even the miner’s disaster (I don't really care either). But what I do know is that the most horrible and torrid event, so far, has been the new government, and I didn't need the media to know that. Why? well, because I think that the fact that right now the people are getting it all wrong in terms of information it's because our "beloved president" it's controlling the information, if not, how come the media is not covering the Mapuche's hunger strike? that kind of strike only works when the citizen make pression on the goverment to stop it by answering to the request of the people in the strike, and for that to happen people must be informed.
     As a final opinion, I think that the media covers accurately the news that they considered important, but that are not necessarily the "most important", and do it when they want. Because actually, the first time I heard of the miners situation was through twitter and not from the media. They didn't do it until the thing was too big to hide it.
     I know the media it's powerful and run a lot of money, but I think that our criteria it's a lot more powerful and we must use it.

So, if someone reads this... Don't believe the adds, don't believe the medias.... and don't even believe me (Well maybe a little, use your criteria).

Friday, August 20, 2010

Sad truth about events and I...

   Hi, Today I’ve been request to write about a concert, an exhibition or a sport event.
   Well, truth be told. I haven’t actually attended any concert, exhibition or even an sport event , I mean of course I have been in lots of museums and I have listened musicians playing in live, but I’ve never went to a proper concert or the exhibition of some exited and postmodernist artist in an art gallery.
   The thing is, big crowds make me sick, so loud music in a stadium full of people is not my way of enjoying music, plus I never have enough money for it and someone to go with (It’s pretty lame I know it, insert Beck’s “Loser” song if you like) . However, I hear that next year Sir Paul McCartney is going to do a concert in Chile, so I was thinking in putting my soul on sale in order to get the money XD.
   About sport events I must say I hate sport, at least the kind of sports events that are popular in this country, like football. Although I wouldn’t mind attending other sort of sports events, like a marathon, or ever practicing myself… now I remember that about three years ago I went to see my older brother run the k10 marathon, but it was an amateur event. I don’t really remember where it was and when, but I do know it was really fun and the reason I went was because…well, my brother was in it.
   In the art exhibition matter, as I said it before, I’ve never attended a proper one, but once I worked in the opening of a design house, serving wine to people. It wasn’t the cool bohemian place that I was expecting, it seemed to me that the people were more into wine than anything else. Anyway, this took place in July of this year, don’t remember exactly when, but the design house is in a well know street of Santiago (Esmeralda it's the name). The reason I went to it was because I needed the money, beside I wanted to get some experience of working in a cultural event.

Well that all, Good bye to whoever read this.

Friday, August 13, 2010

Another Brick in the wall...

     Hello everyone, to inaugurate this blog I would like to start talking about an issue that has been discused many times, but that is never over, because it doesn't leads to any conclusion, wich is the educational system in Chile.
     I think a lot about the educational system since I start a career that has been named as one of the least productive in terms of “money making”, I mean there are not a lot of job opportunities in my field, because we don’t really "do" anything, in the eyes of todays "offer and demands" social system. In spite of that, what I love about this career is that create a critical thinking mind.
     What todays educational system  tryes to create is people to learn the "how to do", instead of making people think more about why is important to do and study determinate subject. Nowadays the education works in order to make profits, quantity instead of quality. What it worries me the most is the frustation that this can generate in the society, because while some people think that study Theory of art may be frustating, cause it doesn’t bring a lot of money, I think that this “well paid” career, that people tend to look for, may cause a frustation about life, if they don't think and choose for other reason than money.
     I guess that what I’m trying to say, in this very unarticulated way (sorry about that), is that the problem may radicate in that  we tend to give more value to the wealth that we may get from the career we study over the knowledge.  
     Since I don’t know a lot about educational politics  I’m not going to start rambling about what I think that the government should do in order to make things better (specially since I don’t hold high hope for the current one). All I want to say is that, for those who are already in the university, a simple and quick way of improve ours education, and make better professional of us, is to think about the knowledge we want to get, in a critical way, and why determinate field of expertise would bring fulfilment into our lifes.